Wednesday, May 30, 2007

My Plan To Get More From Multi Cores

There was a time when PC hardware struggled to keep up with PC software. Not anymore. At this point in the evolution of the personal computer, the hardware is so far ahead of the software that it's actually sad. For example, I now have close to 4 terabytes of disk storage at home, but I can barely push myself past 400 gigabytes of data and programs. Having such ridiculous amounts of storage space means that no one will ever do disk cleanup again. And that's great news for government snoops. With instant access to gigabyte after gigabyte of your personal records, they'll have no trouble finding what they need for your eventual conviction on trumped-up charges.

But it's this dual/quad/octo-core chip thing that's really the issue. The software needed to take full advantage of these chips continues to lag behind. It's like the old lady in the checkout line at the grocery store who's certain she has that much-needed penny in the bottom of her change purse but can't seem to find it. "It's in here somewhere. I just know it."

Nobody wants to face the fact that Linux, Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows XP, and Vista are based on OS designs that are as old as the hills. Sure, OS X and Windows have been gussied up with pretty icons and lots of colors, but that's just lipstick on a pig. The difference today between the Mac and the PC is that the Mac has better lipstick.

Meanwhile, none of these operating systems has the power to make multicore chips work as advertised. In the end, these chips are little more than novelties. Intel actually has the gall to claim that its extra cores can save power by automatically shutting down when they're not in use. This just means they'll be shut down most of the time. If the software could take advantage of these extra cores, there wouldn't be any need to shut them down.

With that in mind, I give you my CORE DEDICATION PROPOSAL. Why can't operating systems simply dedicate extra cores to housekeeping chores and cool background tasks? It's simple enough to work. Here are a few choice uses for core dedication. There are six of them, since we may see a six-core chip on the road ahead.

Disk Maintenance At one time or another, your PC's hard drive starts grinding away, doing God knows what. Sometimes, as you type on your word processor, your machine slows to a crawl, and each character takes its sweet time showing up on-screen (or they show up all at once, long after you typed them). Why not dedicate a CPU core to disk maintenance? That way, your machine can grind away without disturbing anything else.

Virus and Spyware Scanning One of the most painful PC experiences is when a virus or spyware scan begins in the middle of the night—and you're still trying to work. Everything stops. With some systems, this happens at boot time too. To heck with it. One core should be dedicated to continuous deep scanning—24/7. You'd never even notice. Except for the noise, that is.

YouTube Streaming The third core? It can be used to stream idiotic video clips from YouTube onto your machine. This core will just stay on YouTube. Forever.

Webcam-Casting You may as well use a core to stream a video of yourself onto the Web. People love to watch other people sitting at their computers typing.

Twittering Today, computers are mostly used for inane things such as Twitter—a blog-like environment where you report on your activities minute by minute. Thanks to Twitter, people can see what a fascinating life you lead and can live vicariously through everything you do. The fifth core will be for Twitter. And instant messaging.

Second Life Bots For all those fans of online virtual worlds like Second Life: You might as well have one core dedicated to your 3D avatar. Of course, it'll just sit around vegetating most of the time—kinda like what you do when you use Second Life.

Well, I'm out of cores. Can I have more?,1895,2129596,00.asp